Third grade is a very important transitional year for students. They are moving from the primary grades to the intermediate grades.. There will be greater responsibilities and greater expectations. But, we will be by their side to guide them along the way. This will be a fun year!
Your third grader may have assigned homework Monday-Friday. Class time for work is provided, but often work may need to be finished at home. We feel that homework assignments reinforce and enrich classroom learning, and help students develop self-discipline, responsibility, time-management and organizational skills.
3rd Grade Homework Responsibilities include:
- Using study hall work time wisely in order to complete unfinished work.
- Writing daily assignments neatly in the assignment notebook.
- Check off assignments as they are completed.
- Taking home any work not completed in study hall in yellow homework folder.
- Completing homework at home and returning to school the following day.
- Having a parent initial assignment notebook each evening.
Daily homework in third grade will consist of:
- Math worksheet
- Any assignments not completed during class time or study hall (may include language arts, spelling, math boxes, social studies/science)
- Daily math fact review
- Study spelling words
- Independent reading time
Failure to turn homework in on time will result in being clipped down on the behavior chart, and a 10% drop in grade. After 5 late assignments in a quarter the student will receive a detention. According to school policy if a student receives 3 detentions in a quarter they will receive an inschool suspension. When a student has an excused absence they have 2 days to make up work and turn it in. If they are ill they should call and let me know with whom I may send homework home. When you know of an absence ahead of time please inform me so I can send homework home before the absence. In the case of an unexcused absence the student will need to complete the missed work but will receive only 50% credit for the work.
With your support at home, your third grader will have a successful experience in third grade!